Since the inception of Harvey’s All Naturals, our research has shown and we have strongly believed that the first step in creating the best hemp products for human consumption is to focus on maintaining healthy soils. The second is to grow plants with care, using only organic processes, natural fertilizers, and the best genetics possible on a small scale. Step three is to create hemp flower oils using minimum processing at low temperatures to maintain the true natural full-spectrum cannabinoid profiles such as CBDA – along with preserving the natural molecular bonds and terpene profiles within these oils. And finally, use these thick oils as an ingredient – along with other all-natural ingredients that work as carrier agents – to help the body easily accept and benefit from the various CBDx elements for long-term health benefits.

Yes, we know that’s a lot to take in – but it’s exactly the formula required to a produce premium, CBD product. This is the essence of Harvey’s All Naturals, and the science is finally proving this philosophy.

There is a misconception in the hemp industry that CBD is what we want. The truth is there is no CBD on the hemp, or cannabis plant. However, there is CBDA, CBGA, CBCA, etc. and these are the true natural forms of the full-spectrum cannabinoids that our body’s love. The “A” represents an acid element that is removed or transformed though a heat process called decarboxylation (this is why we COLD-PROCESS!!!). Like any other processed foods, highly processed hemp products from large scale industrial grows are just simply bad or often ineffective.

The recent OSU COVID study is simply more proof. We’ll let the data speak for itself.

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has drastically changed the lives of every person on the planet. Our hearts go out to the many suffering from the virus, the families of those affected and the caretakers tirelessly fighting for their lives. Unfortunately, the effects of this global pandemic don’t end there. For many unaffected by the virus itself, it’s brought a wave of other health concerns such as depression, stress, anxiety and more as we’ve adjusted to a new normal way of living.

In response, we’ve seen a lot of product claims swirling around the internet right now. Especially those related to stress and the immune system. It’s important to remember that these claims need to be backed with hard evidence. (And no, CBD will not cure the coronavirus).


Don’t Be Fooled

We at Harvey’s All Naturals aim to provide our customers with the best quality hemp oil on the market. We also strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about CBD and its potential health benefits. That’s why it pickles our turnips when we see brands out there spreading misinformation about COVID-19 in order to pad their pockets. 

A Canadian CBD-oil brand recently sent out promotional emails promising that its products can “help your body defend against COVID-19 coronavirus”. Another company owned by a former professional sports star made similar claims about CBD, the immune system, and COVID-19.

In an effort to protect U.S. consumers, the Food & Drug Administration released the following statement:

FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumers from certain products that, without approval or authorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people.

Update: As we are learning more about the virus, new studies are suggesting that some cannabis terpenes may have a positive effect in treating symptoms COVID-19 or in lung recovery post infection

Know Your CBD

While CBD may not be clinically proven to improve the immune system, what we do know is that when high-quality, full spectrum hemp oil is taken consistently over time, it can help build up the body’s natural endocannabinoid system – essentially improving the body’s messaging system with the brain. In short, this means CBD may help the brain better understand what’s going on in the body and therefore know when to send out the troops to help fix itself. Which is great news indeed.

Additionally, CBD can be calming, therefore helping with stress management. When taken properly, it can also help the body’s natural state of balance and self-regulation. And when using a high-quality, all natural, full spectrum CBD product for stress and anxiety, users won’t have to worry about the negative side effects that many prescription drugs diagnosed for those issues may bring to areas such as the kidneys, liver, etc.

When it comes to CBD… quality matters.


The Bottom Line

Listen, we WISH that CBD were the cure-all for COVID-19. But it’s just not. As we’ve stated all along, Harvey’s All Naturals products may help manage anxiety, insomnia, pain, inflammation, symptoms related to Parkinson’s Disease, and depression. But CBD will not treat, cure, or prevent COVID-19. And it’s best to stick to the facts when so much right now is uncertain. If you’re interested in all-natural wellness or holistic self-care practices, we encourage you to do your research on how CBD might help you specifically. At Harvey’s, we realize every body is different, and at the end of the day, we each just want to feel as healthy and secure as we can. Especially right now.


Wishing you and your family goodness and health,

Harvey Craig and your friends at Harvey’s All Naturals


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